Project 1 – QTime Appointments

Quarter3, 2022  – All PocketWatch and QTime Subscribers

Project Goal

To introduce key aspects of Project 1 into QTime by adapting QTime from a single event-based system to an appointments based system and improving the user experience through the introduction of recurring base schedules for participants and centralising Cost centres and programs with GENIUS invoicing.​

Key FeaturesKey Benefits
Multiple participants + staff in a Q-time appointment Ability to have multiple staff + participants in an 
appointment and changing staff when absent.
Introducing a base schedule for participants​ Set up NDIS billing and activities once and being able
to replicate in all appointments
Improved recurring appointment feature​ Ability to recur appointments into the future with 
increased recurring features​.
Separating Staff shifts (schedules) from Appointments Invoicing will automatically occur at the conclusion of
appointments and timesheets will reflect allocations
to appropriate programs and cost centres for each
individual appointment.
Centralising Programs and Cost Centres with
GENIUS Invoicing
Single source of truth for programs and cost centres
between QTime and GENIUS​.